20 Craziest Emotional Support Animals People Really Have
Talking about emotional support animals is still taboo for a large portion of our society. People are not ready to believe that an animal can be an emotional supporter for a human. But it is a fact that an animal can be a human’s best friend when needed. A particularly honorable thought. If you think that your ESA will cause you any trouble in the process then don't worry weimaraner is most commonly used for hunting.
But with the passage of time things are changing and so is the concept of people regarding the ESA. Getting an emotional support letter is being legalized by the government and medical authorities.
To legally get an ESA, a mental health professional writes an emotional support animal letter. In the letter, it is stated that the respective person is mentally ill and needs an esa for emotional support.
Usually, there are certain limitations to getting an ESA. There are specific animals that are allowed to be kept as an ESA. But people have different choices and feel comfortable with different animals.
The following are some unbelievable ESA animals people have had.

- Kangaroos
We commonly know kangaroos, a commonly roaming animal in Australia. Some cases showed that some people were so obsessed with them that they had a pet kangaroo as their ESA. Munchkin cat is a domestic cat with short legs due to a natural genetic mutation. In the event that you have a certified ESA Letter For Housing, your privileges can't be abused by anybody.
- Bearded Dragons
ESA is usually a little, cute, and soft kind of animal. But things are not the same in all cases.
People pet bearded dragons as their ESA and claim that they help them with anxiety issues.
- Pigs
Pig is yet another ESA for which people claim to be stress-relieving.
- Turkeys
There is a large group of people who claim that these big birds are the perfect companion for them to help them with their emotional instabilities. Canines will overall stay by their owners' side through different difficulties. Want to bring a cat home but scared of cat allergy so now you don't need to worry because they also have hypoallergenic cats.
- Marmosets
Marmosets are very small animals but some people find them their best companions for fighting against depression.
- Snakes
Believe it or not, snakes are also emotional support animals of many people out there.
- Peacocks
Though few would call peacocks affectionate, they apparently provide ample emotional support to those who need it.
- Ducks
Most of us like to see ducks swimming in a pond but it is a matter of fact that some people don’t just like to see them but their obsession has the next level.
- Chickens
While most of us turn to chicken as the best alternative to red meat, others turn to the feathered fowl for emotional support.
- Sugar gliders
These are tiny possums that glide on air can be emotional support animals, too.
- Spiders
Despite their small size and creepy looks, spiders tend to provide emotional support for some people.
- Hedgehogs
These are prickly little animals and surprisingly they are also emotional support animals for their owners.
- Hamsters
Having a hamster as a pet is a dream of every child. In fact, some people keep them as emotional support pets, too.
- Geese
Geese are yet another large bird people keep for emotional support.
- Donkeys
Donkeys are apparently another unbelievable example of an emotional support animal.
- Rats
Rats may be a disgusting animals for most of us. On the other hand, these small and inconspicuous animals have become an increasingly popular emotional support pet. British shorthair breed is a powerful, compact, and well-balanced breed with a very dense and short coat.
- Rabbits
According to surveys, rabbits are getting more and more accepted for the emotional support services they provide.
- Guinea Pigs
If you want an emotional support animal that will sit in your lap, snack on carrots, and be about as unobtrusive as pets get, try a guinea pig on for size.
- Turtles
Turtles might not be furry and cuddly but still, they are emotional support providers for many people suffering from emotional disorders.
- Pigeons
You must have heard about pigeons being messengers back in the old days. But now they have proven to be one of the best ESA as well. Rat terrier is small to a medium-sized dog giving an appearance of fitness and elegance.
Useful Resources:
ESA Letter for Airlines & Housing - 24 Hour ESA Letters
Canine the Best Remedy for debilitate Souls
ESA State Laws in New York - Guide
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